Understanding the health of people with disabilities

The DKV Integralia Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by DKV Seguros, whose mission is the social and occupational inclusion of people with disabilities and chronic and degenerative diseases. The studies on the health habits of people with disabilities carried out to date lacked depth and did not have data based on the degree of disability and its nature. This lack of information did not allow actions to be taken to improve the quality of life of these people.



Understand the needs and access barriers to health of people with disabilities

Lúcid proposes to DKV a mixed approach to the study. On the one hand, it is necessary to carry out an in-depth qualitative research that allows us to identify the most relevant codes and aspects for all the people involved in health and disability matters. This information should serve to create a new theoretical framework beyond the data and information available so far.

Secondly, we suggest conducting a quantitative survey with a valid sample to validate and contrast some of the lessons learned during the first phase, as well as to create a new opinion based on statistical data.

Due to the intimate nature of the research, we designed a low-impact methodology that allows 200+ people to express their opinion freely and anonymously


How to research respecting people's most intimate spheres of life

The first phase of the project consists of 15 interviews with health professionals specialized in people with disabilities. Secondly, we conducted 30 interviews with people with disabilities of an organic and physical nature. Due to the intimate nature of the study's subject, we conducted a third phase to mitigate the barriers that the presence of researchers may cause in face-to-face interviews. We designed a low-impact methodology that allows a large number of people to express their opinion freely and anonymously. More than 200 people responded individually and voluntarily to the questions. Their answers help us to identify aspects of the highest importance in people's experience and attitude when it comes to taking care of their health.

Once all the information has been analyzed, we extract the learnings, insights and conclusions for 2 weeks and then design a quantitative questionnaire, to which 400 people with organic and physical disabilities from all over Spain responded through an online panel. These answers help us to confirm some of the hypotheses obtained in the qualitative phase and to reveal new information.



Publication of the first report on the emotions and needs of people with disabilities

The result of the project is the presentation and publication of the first report on the health habits of people with disabilities in Spain. This report reveals to DKV and the organizations dedicated to the health of this important group their perception of their own health, and their needs and desires to achieve a fuller and more satisfactory quality of life.

To download the complete study for DKV, click here.

15 experts

We interviewed 15 health care professionals

30 users

We interviewed 30 people with disabilities

3 installations

In institutions throughout Spain simultaneously

+200 interactions

Low-impact, high-value methodology

400 surveys

Confirm the hypotheses and reveal new information

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